Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"All magic comes with a price. Now it's yours to pay." (Rumplestiltskin, Once Upon a Time)

Rumplestiltskin, from the television series Once Upon a Time, said, "All magic comes with a price. Now it's yours to pay." Everything, in addition to storybook magic, comes with a price. If it's something we want, then we have to be willing to pay.

As a full-time writer, I've been forced to ask myself: What are you willing to pay? What are you willing to give up? Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get what you want?

Recently, I unjoined several Facebook Groups, writer support-type groups included. While I welcome the interaction with other writers, I could not justify taking the time to read numerous posts or participate in the group discussions.

Also, to foster a more writing-focused environment, I disconnect from the internet entirely for extended times during the day using Freedom software to block internet usage.

Television, especially coming from a family where the television was constantly blaring, has been another thing I've chosen to give up, except for a few preferred shows, such as Once Upon a Time, that I record, in order to get the time I need to write.

In addition, I don't get out much. Writing is a solitary, singular-focused activity; therefore, I shut myself away and write. (Thankfully, I have a husband who is independent and caring enough to all me that space and to remind me that I haven't been out of the house in a while, as well as a dear friend who gets me out and about for a girl's-day-out occasionally.)

There are tradeoffs. In order to write, these are the sacrifices, along with giving up my day job and not having a spic-and-span house, that I choose to make.

Oddly enough, now that I'm willing to give up other things in my life, I am able to have time to write.

As in most other activities in life, if you want to write a book, there will be a price to pay. (In my humble opinion, well worth the sacrifice and the price.)

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