Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pressing the Reset Button

For my thriller series (Series #1), after I received Cathy Yardley's developmental edit, my hand has been wavering over the reset button.

The first book in the series is undergoing a major overhaul, to include:
  • Fewer point of views
  • Smaller number of scenes due to combining or deleting scenes
  • Addition scenes added that need to be written
  • Clarification of main character's story goals
  • Increased emphasis on scene goals for main characters
  • Addition of secondary characters
From this experience, I have learned that I need more work and clarification upfront, so that I have a clearer direction once I begin First Drafting.

So, from now on, I will spend more time working with Cathy Yardley's Rock Your Plot on the front end, to more so clarify the Character's story goals [Goals, Motivations, Conflicts (GMCs)] and story problems. Also, I need to plot each character's scene more clearly to get a better idea of their Goal, Motivation, Conflict and Disaster (GMCD). (Ah, those lovely acronyms.)

So, more plotting and characterization should lead to a more solid first draft in the end.

This go around, with such drastic changes, this level of revision can't be considered a second draft; therefore, I'm diving into writing my First Draft once again.

The story and series will benefit greatly from this unexpected reset. I know that. YET pushing that button.... Not so easy.

My hand hovers over, not quite touching, the reset button.

I was thrilled with finishing the first draft so quickly. The completion of the draft brought to fruition a lifelong dream and validated that I could write books for a living.

Still, resetting, basically starting over? Ouch. I have been frustrated and disappointed in myself and in my efforts.

However, this is not starting over. Not really. The first First Draft gave me a foundation upon which to build the entire series. Wasted words? Maybe. Maybe Not. Even though some scenes will not make it into the newest First Draft, they led me toward the current version, just via a road that traveled the long way around the destination where I and the story needed to arrive.

Better initial plotting and characterization efforts on my part should lead me to a straighter and more direct route in getting my first drafts written; therefore, with much excitement, tempered with a dollop of sadness, I now press the reset button.

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