While different methods works for different folks, my own methods include several concise, repeatable steps.
To set the office-type atmosphere for revision (thanks Kat Duncan for your guidance), I ensure the following:
- Lots of light (overhead lighting plus lamps)
- No music playing
- No special scents
- Revision Checklist front and center
- Colored pens and highlighters at the ready
- Cathy Yardley's Rock Your Revisions at hand
My revision steps include:
- Print out entire manuscript
- Mark blatant grammar errors that scream for attention
- Read manuscript
- Highlight margins of manuscript where the story lags
- Focus on and read individual chapter
- Mark up hard copy
- Edit chapter on screen
- Run Spell Check
- Run MyWriter Tools
- Apply changes using MyWriter Tools suggestions
- Perform layering editing (add environmental details, senses, reaction to POV character, sentence details)
- Focus on and check off items on Revision Checklist (scene anchoring; scene review; scene details; levels of carrying, worry, conflict, and interest; and pacing) [Revision Checklist blog post forthcoming]
- Paste chapter into AutoCrit and run analysis
- Address AutoCrit categories (overused words, sentence variation, cliches & redundancies, repeated words & phrases, pacing, dialog, initial pronouns, readability, and homonyms) in chapter
- Run MyWriter Tools again
- Apply changes using MyWriter Tools suggestions again
- Run Spell Check again
- Move on to next chapter