Sunday, August 5, 2012

But HOW Do You Write a Book? Step 6

In line with baking a cake, the next part of But HOW Do You Write a Book?, includes following the recipe (steps) included in Cathy Yardley's Rock Your Plot, which sells for $2.99 for an electronic download on (Please note that you don't need a Kindle device to read, because there are free reading aps from Amazon that allow you to read books on your smart phone, tablet, and/or computer.)

Cathy has successfully used the basic system in Rock Your Plot for seventeen novels, and the system is working for me; therefore, this is the next step that I use and would recommend.

Rock Your Plot provides an easy to understand and easy to follow process that actually works. The book can be read and the system can be implemented in a short period of time. The process addresses: Story Idea Testing; Goal, Motivation, Conflict; Character Sketches; Plot Points; Pinch Points; Trouble Shooting; Scene Construction Basics; and Creating an Outline.

Step Six of But HOW Do You Write a Book? includes several simple steps that are part of the system shared in Rock Your Plot.

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