Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Writing a Novel in 30 Days - Day 18

Day 18, due to long-distance driving, was a non-writing day.

As my health improves, my goal is to integrate writing into days like Day 18 as well.

So far, I'm behind schedule, however, with 12 days remaining, it's still feasible for me to catch up and meet the goal of writing 60,000 words in 30 days.

Today, had I stayed on schedule, I would be at the 36,000 word plus mark; however, I have thus far written 31,347 words and the goal is 52% complete

Taking on this challenge while having travel commitments and health issues might not have been the smartest or most advantageous move on my part; however, it has provided inspiration and accountability, so, for Day 19, I write.

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