Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inciting Incident - I'd Say

Bullet, the wire-haired dachshund, was visiting while I worked on Notecarding the scenes of Book #2, Series #1. With his oh-so-innocent face near the Inciting Incident index card on the lap desk, as if the card were a caption for his personality or depicting his near-future actions, I couldn't resist snapping a picture.

Yes, Bullet is an Inciting Incident unto himself. He charges nose-first into everything. Look out world, here he comes!

But, what exactly is an Inciting Incident in writing?

Basically, the Inciting Incident is when something happens that sets the story in motion.

For Book #2, Series #1, the Main Character intentionally gets himself recaptured. How's that for a kick-start for a story?

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