Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Want My Mo!

There's NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo, and DigiWriMo. (For those with curious minds like me, these acronyms stand for National Novel Writing Month, National Blog Posting Month, and Digital Writing Month.)

So, the writer/blogger aims for either 1) a 50,000 word novel, 2) a blog post per day, or 3) digital online writing. All to be performed during the month of November. A month (Mo) of writing, toward a specific goal.

With continued health issues, my personal commitment has been to write a chapter per day, for at least five days per week. Once I get a handle on my physical limitations, I want my month of meeting my writing goals. 50,000 words in a month is realistic and doable. Soon, I hope very soon, I want my Mo!

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