Friday, July 13, 2012

Writing a Novel in 30 Days

I’m a gal who like’s challenges, so I asked myself, “Self, can you write a novel in 30 days or less?”

My answer to was (We writer’s do talk to ourselves. I usually claim I’m rehearsing dialog aloud, but...), “Yes. Once you get your health issues in line, maybe even less. But for now, why not shoot for 30 days?"

Many folks that participate in National Novel Writing Month, which officially occurs in November (a busy, busy time in my former job), crank out 50,000 words in a month.

So could I possibly accomplish such a feat?

I live in the south. The oppressive heat precludes doing much of anything outdoors in the summer months. So, I say, “Why not!” (Self wholeheartedly agrees!)

Could I? Can I? Will I?  Write a Novel in 30 days?

While working, I averaged writing 2,000 or so words per week, which was the best I could do what with staying so busy, busy.

Since I’ve been able to dive into Fast Drafting, while struggling with some health issues, I’ve written 2,000 words on more difficult days and over 5,000 words on good days. Since health issues are a reality for me right now, I have to factor in that I am in the process of getting more healthy; however, I’m not quite there yet. (Soon, soon, soon, I hope!)

Starting July 14, 2012, this gal is committed to writing a novel in 30 days.

This goal is a win-win for me. If I can not surpass my health issues, I may have to bump my 30-day goal up to the end of the summer — yet, in the mean time, I will still have produced lots and lots of words. AND if I do write a novel in 30 days, what an accomplishment! (No rewarding myself with Italian chocolate. Darn.)

So, here I begin my quest of writing a book in a month. Onward!

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